According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependency, approximately 28 million U.S. citizens have one or more parents that struggle with alcoholism. On the larger scale, more than seventy-eight million Americans have had an alcoholic in the family. Several psychologists have come to believe that some psychological disorders have been a result of the relationships that patients have had with alcoholic members of the family. There are some common issues that develop in children of alcoholics that affect them into their adult years. If you would like to seek help for yourself or a loved one, you can find substance abuse treatment centers in Florida that will help. Go to for more details.


This is a term which can be described as an unhealthy attachment to an individual that has stopped functioning as a normal human being because of their addiction to drugs or alcohol. This attribute is known to be widely noticed in children of alcoholics well into their adult years. The impact of codependency can be seen in their lack of ability to confront their family members alocohol consumption problems, or in some instances will deny that there is a issue whatsoever out of fear of disrupting the relationship in some way. A typical coping mechanism is to make an attempt to control their loved ones addiction, or they’ll have a way of thinking that they’ll cure them by their particular means.

Emotional Trauma

Kids are particularly prone to emotional trauma as a result of an alcoholic parent. Alcoholics may become so dysfunctional that they neglect the majority of their responsibilities as a mother or father; leaving their children to play the role of an adult. It’s quite common for them to feel remorseful because of feelings of inadequacy. This leads to weak self-confidence and, as adults, they will have an extremely difficult time creating healthy relationships with other people. It becomes hard for them to understand what actions are inappropriate in others, and frequently end up in relationships with individuals that have several of the same tendencies that their parents had.

Passing On The Addiction

Numerous studies have delved that inherited genes, together with the emotional scars that children of alcoholics develop make them very likely to become an alcoholic later in life. If they are not taught that drinking excessively can cause significant problems or if irresponsible drinking is a social norm, then they might develop a drinking habit. Other conditions like obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) are also more likely because they often make impractical endeavours to manage various other facets of life aside from relationships. It is common for them to tirelessly hunt for the acceptance of others while remaining callus to how others treat them.

Even though it is essential for the treating of alcoholism to focus primarily on the addict, these high numbers propose that it is not just the lives of the alcoholic that is being impacted. Within the last few years, the National Association for Children of Alcoholics has increased from 21 people, to an outstanding two-thousand members. Organizations like Al-Anon have speeches devoted to the recovery of loved ones of alcoholics and many addiction treatment centers offer counseling sessions to help sort out the damage that has been done because of alcoholism. It is crucial that children of alcoholics speak with someone about how they may have been affected by their alcoholic parent in order to break the cycle of codependency and harmful behaviors that have been out of their power to control. For information about Florida alcohol treatment facilities, go to

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